Learn how your team truly feels about work

How it works


The questions are linked to areas of worklife that impact performance and well-being the most.

Talk to Noon whenever it suits you

If the timing isn’t right or you simply want to get a better reflection, you can always ask Noon to do a checkin yourself.

/checkin [area to check-in on]
Command  -  Initiates a Noon check-in on an aspect of worklife!

Reflect on weekly updates

In an ever changing work environment, there will be times where our daily questions don’t cover unforeseen circumstances. Add these updates to your dashboard by asking Noon for a bit of “me time”.

Command  -  Start a virtual 1-on-1 with Noon [Beta]

Become aware of your teams well-being

We take all this data, display it for you and your eyes only, and make sure it’s easy for you to digest and reflect on through our easy-to-use dashboard.


What happens if I add Noon to Slack?

What happens with my private data?

Is Noon free to use?


Maak verbinding met meer dan 10 social media-accounts

We integreren al je favoriete social media-profielen, elimineren gegevenssilo's en zorgen voor een soepele ervaring.

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