4 min read

5 reasons to prioritise employee well-being in the workplace

Written by
Julia Bramer
Published on
August 25, 2023


In recent years, there's been a shift in how we approach employee well-being and mental health in the workplace. There's a focus on addressing the challenges related to employee well-being, while preventing work-related mental health issues at the same time 1. Even though the concepts of employee well-being and work-related mental health issues are related, there is a difference.

There are different terms being used describing happiness and health in the workplace. The one just discussed is about employee mental health. However, a term sometimes being intertwined is employee well-being.

But, what really sets them apart?

  • Mental Health at Work: The World Health Organization defines mental health as a state of well-being that helps individuals deal with daily stresses, perform well in their roles, contribute to their community, and fulfill their potential 2 Mental health at work is an important aspect of employee well-being.
  • Well-Being in the Workplace: Well-being at work entails everything all aspects around the work experience. It's about ensuring a safe, high-quality work environment and understanding how employees view their roles, the company, and its culture. A concept also used is a "Healthy Organisation". This term is used to talk about creating an empowered and lasting workforce 3. It's important to note that mental health and well-being are closely connected, supporting and enhancing each other in the workplace.

Why prioritize Employee Well-Being?

There are several reasons why putting employee well-being first makes sense and should be a priority in your organisation.

  1. Reduced Absences: Stress remains a major cause of short- and long-term absences, with a surprising 79% of respondents reporting stress-related absences 4. Improved well-being means fewer sick days taken by employees, leading to fewer disruptions and costs.
  2. Attracting Top Talent: Workplace well-being influences a company's ability to attract top talent. Nearly 73% of respondents across different markets say they'd prefer to work for a company that values well-being compared to a company that does not 5.
  3. Higher Productivity and Engagement: Happier employees tend to be more engaged and productive. A study by the Social Market Foundation shows that happy employees can be 20% more productive than their less happy colleagues 6.
  4. Conflict Reduction: Job satisfaction often leads to fewer workplace conflicts. Unresolved conflicts, when not managed well, can contribute to burnout and decreased well-being 7.
  5. Supporting Mental Health Reduces Burnout: Prioritizing well-being can potentially reduce burnout. Focusing on workplace well-being may alleviate stressors tied to burnout 8.

Noon's Approach to employee well-being

Starting the journey toward prioritizing employee well-being might seem daunting, but taking any step is better than doing nothing. It doesn't require a complete overhaul of existing practices; rather, it involves integrating employee well-being into daily work routines.

With Noon, you can transform your approach to workplace well-being from day one. Through daily check-ins, employees can reflect on their work and emotions. Noon assesses six key areas of work to identify where extra attention is needed.

Beyond individual insights, Noon highlights team well-being, revealing trends and potential conflicts. This approach encourages a culture where positive conflicts are seen as opportunities for growth.

Incorporating employee well-being with Noon can lead to a happier, healthier, and more productive work environment for every team member.

  1. World Health Organization. (2022, October 10). Mental health at work.
  2. World Health Organization. (2022, October 10). Mental health: strengthening our response.
  3. International Labour Organization. (2022, October 10). Workplace health promotion and well-being.
  4. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. (2021, March). Health and well-being at work.
  5. Gympass. (2022). Work-life wellness report.
  6. Social Market Foundation. (2015, October 28). Are happy workers more productive?
  7. FMC Mediation. (2022, February 1). Impact of conflict on employee well-being.
  8. Mind Tools. (2022, February 1). Burnout Self-Test.
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